
Library Media Specialist - Ms. Cotroneo


Students must sign-in when entering the library and sign-out when exiting the library.

To the Library from Study Hall

Students must have a completed pass that is signed by their study hall teacher to come to the library. Students must return to study hall if the library is closed. Failure to report to either destination is considered a class cut and will result in a referral to the administration and loss of library privileges.

Behavioral Expectations

The LEHS Library is a resource center for reading, quiet study and research. Classroom expectations of courtesy, respect and consideration apply in the library. Food and drinks are not allowed in the library and students are not allowed to use their phones in the library. Failure to abide by these expectations will result in a referral to the administration and loss of library privileges.

Checking Out Books

Students are welcome to check out books using their ID barcode. Books circulate for two weeks. Students may have up to three books checked out at a time. Students are responsible for the replacement costs of lost or damaged materials.

Database Access

Please email Ms. Cotroneo for database login information.